The Art of Kinfolk | John Burns
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The Art of Kinfolk | John Burns
Einmalig und inspirierend, "The Art of Kinfolk" von John Burns ist ein Muss für jeden Kunstliebhaber. Dieses brandneue Buch bietet einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des aufstrebenden Kunstwesens. Geniessen Sie einzigartige Einblicke in die Kunstwelt von John Burns und lassen Sie sich inspirieren.
Containing 300 of the most iconic images from the first decade of the magazine. Ranging from the deceptively simple to the surreal to the perennially stylish, this collection of originally commissioned photography captures the arc of an artistic adventure, a creative community at work, and one of the most enigmatic aesthetics of the era.
John Burns is the editor in chief of Kinfolk, a quarterly magazine based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 2011, Kinfolk delves into personal values and quality of life, and inspires its readers to approach life with intention, energy, and a sense of community. Burns is the author of Kinfolk Wilderness, Kinfolk Islands, Kinfolk Travel, and The Kinfolk Garden; other books in this series include The Kinfolk Table, The Kinfolk Home, and The Kinfolk Entrepreneur.
The Art of Kinfolk | John Burns - alle Details auf einen Blick:
- Ersterscheinung: 10. Oktober 2023
- Sprache: Englisch
- Features: 320 pages, hardcover
- Dimensions: 330 × 32 × 265 cm
- Autor/Autorin: John Burns
- Verlag/Hersteller: Workman Publishing
- Abbildungen: 310
- ISBN: 9781648293061
- Gewicht: 1828 g